Being Outdoors Is Underrated Today

Caring For Your Bicycle Helmet

A bicycle helmet such as a Livall bike helmet can be one of the most important pieces of safety gear that you have. Without this piece of equipment, you would be at a much greater risk of suffering a head injury as the result of a bicycle accident. Avoid Stretching The Straps Unfortunately, many people will accidentally stretch out the straps of their helmet. This can severely reduce the effectiveness of the helmet as it may no longer fit correctly. Read More 

Tracking The Inexorable March Of Recreational Marijuana’s Legalization

The US seems to be in the midst of an important political moment as momentum builds behind marijuana decriminalization and, ultimately, legalization. Although legalization at a federal level isn't here yet, it now seems as though it is only a matter of time. Meanwhile, legislation continues to appear in state after state allowing for recreational use and sale. Even though full legalization now seems inevitable, it is worth looking back at recent history to see how we arrived here. Read More 

Easy Ways To Get Your Elderly Parents To Exercise

One of the biggest problems that adult children have is how to deal with a geriatric parent whose health is not in the best state. Many elderly people are not conditioned to do rigorous exercise or even follow a proper diet. However, at this age it is important for people to maintain their health and wellness. That said, it can be very difficult for elderly people to know exactly what to do (such as vitamin and food regimen as well as exercise routines). Read More 

A Few Tips For Indoor Winter Training

If you run or cycle daily whether it's hot, cold, or raining, you may hate when winter comes around and you can't maintain your usual routine due to icy sidewalks or roads covered in snow. Cycling and running in the winter can be dangerous even if the cold temperatures don't bother you. If there are no biking paths or if the ground is too slick, you could be injured and that would set your training back for weeks or months. Read More 

4 Things You Should Do Before Taking A Concealed Carry Course

Getting a concealed carry permit allows you to carry a firearm in a manner that can make you feel safer. You also have the ability to have your firearm weapon in certain locations where it would otherwise not be allowed (talk to your local law enforcement about concealed permit restrictions in your area). Before you take a course to carry, make sure you do these 4 things first. Take a gun safety course Read More